What is the Northeast Ocean Race Symposium 2023?

March 17, 2023
Team Coboaters

March 25, 2023

Waltham, MA

A symposium for the three three odd-year ocean races in the northeastern United States

For the first time ever, a unique program jointly put together by the Marion-Bermuda race to provide a full day of information for sailors, crew and skippers.

There are three main Ocean races in the Northeastern US:

  • The Marion-Bermuda Race

  • The Marblehead Halifax Race

  • The Bermuda 1-2 Race.

The 3 Northeast Ocean Races at the Symposium
The 3 Northeast Ocean Races at the Symposium

The Marion-Bermuda Race is the lead organizer for the Northeast Race Symposium 2023.

During this very special day, you will be able to attend a large set of sessions and interact with fellow boaters. The goal is to help you get ready for the race or just offshore sailing and cruising.

You do not need to be enrolled in one the races to participate, the symposium is open to everyone and it is not a race requirement.


There will be a lot of panels and speakers who will talk about specific subjects related to the races but also about cruising in general.

Selected exhibitors and sponsors will also present their products and services.

The Symposium program at a glance

Click below to view all details of Northeast Race Symposium program.

March 25th, 2022

0730 – 0830 On-site Registration and Check-In

0830 – 0845 Welcome & Introduction

0845 – 0925 Crew Selection & Preparedness

0925 – 1005 Communications Options for Offshore Racers

1005 – 1020 Coffee Break and Exhibitor Browsing

1020 – 1100 Rigging Systems Maintenance & Repair

1100 – 1200 Captains’ Forum – Panel Discussion

1200 – 1240 Lunch (Buffet Sandwiches) Break & Exhibitor Browsing

1240 – 1320 Newport Bermuda Race Accident – Investigation & Recommendations

1320 – 1445 Breakout Sessions

1445 – 1500 Coffee Break and Exhibitor Browsing

1500 – 1540 Survival Navigation

1540 – 1620 Heavy Weather Management

1620 – 1700 Steering Systems – Maintenance & Repair

1700 – 1730 Gam Session & Exhibitor Browsing

Symposium Location:

Bentley University, The Conference Center

Waltham, MA


$185 first entry / $145 subsequent entries (same boat)

Key facts about the Marion-Bermuda race:

  • Created in 1977

  • Last edition took place in 2019 (no race in 2021 due to Covid)

  • Next race starts on June 16, 2023

  • Scoring rule: ORR Performance Curve Scoring modified specifically for the Marion to Bermuda Race

  • Boats: Monohulls and Multihulls

  • The race is built upon the competitive spirit and good fellowship of Corinthian sailing.

For more information, visit Marion-Bermuda official website.

The Marblehead to Hallifax race

  • First edition: 1905

  • It is the longest running offshore ocean race in the world

  • Next race starts: July 9th, 2023

  • Scoring rules: PHRF division and undecided division

  • Distance: 360 miles


March 17, 2023
Team Coboaters

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