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Blog.Coboaters is the news outlet for the largest online sailing club and crew finder in North America.

An online Sailing Network with hundreds of members.

Coboaters is a sailing community aiming to bring boaters together and offer new opportunities on the water – but there’s so much more to it! It was launched in Jan2021 with the unique goal of connecting boating enthusiasts together. Boat owners share their boats and crew share their time and talents. Together they sail more and better.

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Coboaters Sailing Network

What is a Crew Finder? How Does It Work?

How does a crew finder network work?

One of the best way to answer these questions is to ask people, experienced sailors or beginners what they think about a crew finder? We put together here below some testimonials and interviews of Coboaters members. They explain how they found crew or boats within the sailing community.

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Coboaters Crew Finder Network

Blog Collections

Why do sailboat owners look for crew?

Why would sailboat owners and skippers need crew? You would think that they already have enough friends or family to sail with but it often not the case.  A lot of boat owners need crew and they do have good reasons and specific needs. 7 good reasons why sailboat owners look for crew : Sailboat […]


May 7, 2023

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What is the Northeast Ocean Race Symposium 2023?

March 25, 2023 Waltham, MA A symposium for the three three odd-year ocean races in the northeastern United States For the first time ever, a unique program jointly put together by the Marion-Bermuda race to provide a full day of information for sailors, crew and skippers. There are three main Ocean races in the Northeastern […]


March 17, 2023

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Connecticut Spring Boat Show

Why is the Connecticut Spring Boat Show unique? The  Connecticut Spring Boat Show is traditionally the first in-water boat show of the year in New England. In 2024, it will take place from Friday, April 26 to Sunday, April 28 . In 2024, this is the 9th edition of the CT Spring Boat Show. The […]


March 4, 2023

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Offshore sailing: find the right boat and crew?

Many people want to sail away and experience offshore sailing passage. It is not that easy even if you do have a boat. You need people to sail with, good crew and most of the time you want experienced crew. If you do not have a boat you will start to look for an offshore […]


February 8, 2023

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Official logo of the Miami International Boat Show
Miami International Boat Show

Miami International Boat Show, the World largest boat and yacht show The Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show (#DBMIBS) is in fact the result of a merge between Miami International Boat Show and Miami Yacht Show. It is now the largest boat and yacht event in the world. There are two parts, an in-water boat […]


January 23, 2023

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How to introduce yourself to other sailors

How to introduce yourself to other sailors Learning how to introduce yourself to other sailors is the key to succeed and start your next sailing adventure. What are the best practice? Is it easy to talk to other sailors? What to say and when? Sailing skippers are people who plan to have a great time […]


January 11, 2023

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Catamaran adventures in Exumas

Catamaran adventures in Exumas, Bahamas The Exuma Island, Bahamas chain is a frequent destination for many sailors and their crew and for good reason. Catamaran adventures in Exumas are a real great experience. There is something for everyone, from deserted beaches to busy (relatively speaking) settlements where lots of boaters gather. The crown jewel of […]


January 3, 2023

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The 7 sailors eco-friendly challenges

The 7 sailors eco-friendly challenges This article aims to give an idea of the 7 sailors eco-friendly challenges we face to make our cruising and boating more environmentally friendly. Sustainable sailing became so important these past few years that everyone must be aware of those practices. We discuss solutions to those challenges based on experiences […]


December 15, 2022

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Coboaters app: How to get it on smartphone

Many Internet users search for “Coboaters app” . The answer is : there is currently no application for the website www.coboaters.com. But there is a good news, the site is 100% compatible with all smartphones because we invested in an innovative technology called “responsive design”. The Coboaters app: How to get it on smartphone  Coboaters […]


November 4, 2022

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Boats & Sea
How To Find A Crew Or A Boat? How To Sail More?

The best solution to sail more and enhance your sailing experiences is to join a crew finder club like Coboaters. These clubs provide an ideal platform to connect with like-minded sailing enthusiasts and experienced crew members. By joining such a club, you can access a diverse range of sailing opportunities, from casual day trips to adventurous voyages. The networking opportunities and shared knowledge within the club will not only expand your sailing horizons but also foster lasting friendships with fellow sailors. Embrace the spirit of camaraderie and embark on unforgettable sailing journeys with Coboaters.

We connect boating enthusiasts together, crew, skippers and captains, beginners and experienced sailors anywhere in the world and especially in North America (USA, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean).

Joining a crew seeker club offers more sailing opportunities, connects you with experienced sailors, and fosters a supportive sailing community.

We connect boating enthusiasts together, crew, skippers and captains, beginners and experienced sailors anywhere in the world and especially in North America (USA, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean).

Become A Coboaters Club MEMBER.

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